Brakes Are Out Update #3 brings a lot of improvements to the gameplay
New Content:
New Vehicle: Tocus
New Vehicle: Log-In
Vehicle Improvements:
Added new wheels to vehicles
Properly scaled all the vehicles
Graphical Improvements:
Improved vehicles' materials
Gameplay Improvements:
Improved car handling
Improved car traction damping
Improved car sounds
Improved gravity force
Improved vehicle physics
Improved RPM formula
Improved vehicles spawner
Added backfire effect
Audio Improvements:
Added horn sound effect
Added gear change sound effect
Added wind sound effect
Added turbo charging sound
Added turbo dump sound
Added tire hit sound effect
Added ambient sound
Added scrape sound
Improved overall vehicle audio
Improved tire skid sound
Improved dynamic engine sound
Changed the tire skid sound effect
Clamped the audio value
Increased the engine sound to match the whole game